
Zingari Navigator recovery splash


Sandy-footed step by sandy-footed step, a man walks along the sun-warmed wooden planks of a dock. The wind carries a bright and fruity sweetness that mingles with the salt swimming in the waves. In the man himself, these scents meet a figure steadfast but welcoming, determined but free and ready to push off. They are embraced by a warm and musky heart. In this aquatic fragrance, Zingari Man seek to evoke not only the spirit of the sea but of the man who carries that spirit as a part of him: The Navigator.

Zingari Man The Navigator Recovery Splash is alcohol-free and sure-to-please. It will leave your freshly shaven face feeling refreshed and cared-for without leaving it dry, dull, or unpleasantly tight. The Recovery Splash is more lightweight than their aftershave balm but never fear: the expert blends of oils and esters that make Zingari Man's products so hydrating, long-lasting and clean-feeling are in as healthy supply here as ever. But as a true treat for your skin, try using one of their balms or their rescue potion after applying the Recovery Splash - you can thank me later.


Customer Reviews

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Little disappointing fluid It is only good to have a better post shaving but too weak and evanescent the scent.

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